Em suas próprias palavras:
In business for your business. | En affaires pour vos affaires.
Since 1971, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has been fighting to help small businesses succeed. With over 95,000 members, we’re the largest organization in Canada devoted exclusively to the interests of independent business owners. We ensure that the voice of our members is h
Show moreIndústria: Government Administration
Especialidades da empresa: Lobbying, Rabais et avantages, Research, Rapports et résultats, Savings and benefits, SME, PME, Economics, Économie, small business, petites et moyennes entreprises, Government, Gouvernement, and Advocacy
Tipo de Empresa: Nonprofit
Quartel-General: Toronto, Ontario
Fundado: 1971
Email: [email protected]Política de Privacidade: