
Delete your account or request your data.

Send Abematv a data deletion or access request using this free and independent service.

Fill in the form to create a request email which you can then review and send.

This will be used by the organization to identify you.

Choose regulation based on your place of residence, unless you have a specific reason to choose otherwise.

Optionally provide any additional information which will help the organization to locate your data in their information systems such as Username, Customer ID or Account Number. Please do not provide your password or any personal information which the organization does not already have.

To ensure that the organization complies with your request, we will email you when it’s time to take further action. You will be given the choice to send the organization a reminder email, or to escalate to the local data protection agency.

By selecting this option you are agreeing to let us process and store the following personal information: your email address, name and the text of your request emails. All personal information relating to this request will be automatically deleted from our systems within 120 days, unless you specify otherwise and you always have the choice to have this data deleted immediately. We collect this information automatically by adding a special email address to the CC field of the request email.

About Abematv

In their own words:
「AbemaTV」は、 “無料で楽しめるインターネットテレビ局”として展開する、新たな動画配信事業。2016年4月11日(月)に本開局し、オリジナルの生放送コンテンツや、ニュース、音楽、スポーツ、ドラマなど多彩な番組が楽しめる約25チャンネルを全て無料で提供し、2017年8月時点でダウンロード数が2,000万を突破するなど、急速に利用者を伸ばしています。 <AbemaTVに関するニュース> 「新たな視聴習慣の創造を」 藤田晋社長が提言するメディアの価値
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Industry: Entertainment Providers
Company Specialties: インターネットテレビ局
Company Type: Privately Held
Headquarters: 渋谷区, 東京都
Founded: 2015
Email: [email protected]

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Disclaimer: This service is provided as is, without warranty of any kind. Use of this service is entirely at your own risk. We cannot take responsibility for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this service. The information provided by this service along with the content on our website related to legal matters is provided for your private use and does not constitute legal advice. If you need legal advice for a specific problem, you should consult with a licensed attorney.