In their own words:
A modern commercial law firm with accessible legal services for ambitious businesses on their journey. Hiring now!
Harper James is a full-service commercial law firm providing expert legal services to businesses within an innovative service model. Our lawyers are all partner level and we provide a City-grade service, but at affordable prices. Our lawyers are based throughout the UK and we're structured so that y
Show moreIndustry: Law Practice
Company Specialties: ['Commercial Law', 'Intellectual Property', 'Venture Capital', 'Corporate Law', 'Employment Law', 'Dispute Resolution', 'Finance Law', 'Franchising', 'Joint Venture Agreements', 'Commercial Property Conveyancing', 'Mergers & Aquisitions', 'EMI Share Option Schemes', 'Intellectual Property', 'Venture Capital', 'Data Protection Law', 'Business Immigration Law', 'Construction Law', 'Employee Insensitive Law']
Company Type: Privately Held
Headquarters: {'country': 'GB', 'fullAddress': 'Cavendish House, 39-41 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 5PP, GB', 'locality': 'Birmingham', 'postalCode': 'B2 5PP', 'region': 'West Midlands', 'street': 'Cavendish House, 39-41 Waterloo Street'}
Founded: 2014
Email: [email protected]