In their own words:
We live to make good things happen
Hive are a friendly digital agency based in Sheffield. Our goal is to make a positive difference to our world using the right tools and technology. We provide everything from user experience design to branding, from software development to infrastructure management, from consultancy to service desig
Show moreIndustry: IT Services and IT Consulting
Company Specialties: ['Software Development', 'User Experience Design', 'Website Design & Development', 'Web Consultancy', 'Agile Methodoligies', 'Responsive Design', 'Internet of Things', 'Front end development', 'App Development', 'Immersive Tech', 'Branding', 'Visual Design', 'Graphic Design', 'Game Development']
Company Type: Public Company
Headquarters: {'country': 'GB', 'fullAddress': 'Milton Street, Sheffield, England, S3 7WL, GB', 'locality': 'Sheffield', 'postalCode': 'S3 7WL', 'region': 'England', 'street': 'Milton Street'}
Founded: 2014
Email: [email protected]