In their own words:
The bespoke EPOS system built for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
Premier EPOS is an award-winning EPOS company that specialises in giving business owners the tools required to improve their business. We offer the world's most comprehensive EPOS systems, website design & integration, CRM solutions, business marketing consultancy, Custom software, Screen advertisin
Show moreIndustry: Software Development
Company Specialties: ['Software Development', 'Marketing', 'Retail Solutions', 'Business Consultancy', 'EPOS', 'Website Design', 'Website Integration', 'R&D']
Company Type: Public Company
Headquarters: {'cityStatePostalCountry': 'Wallasey, Merseyside CH447JW, GB', 'fullAddress': 'Unit A 24 Kelvin Road, Wallasey, Merseyside CH447JW, GB', 'getDirectionsLink': '', 'street': 'Unit A 24 Kelvin Road'}
Founded: 2005
Email: [email protected]