In their own words:
SMR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT LIMITED is a Outsourced staffing company specialising in the hospitality sector. They are based in the Kings Cross area of London, UK
Show moreIndustry: 아웃소싱 및 오프쇼어링 컨설팅
Company Specialties: ['Hospitality', 'Staff', 'Recruitment', 'Housekeeping', 'Food & Beverage', 'Porters 및 Chefs']
Company Type: 비상장기업
Headquarters: {'country': 'GB', 'fullAddress': '279 Grays Inn Road, London, undefined, WC1X 9DW, GB', 'locality': 'London', 'postalCode': 'WC1X 9DW', 'street': '279 Grays Inn Road'}
Founded: 2010
Email: [email protected]