In their own words:
Helping public service organisations connect with their communities.
At Voicescape we help public service organisations build sustainable tenancies through more effective customer engagement. Our solutions provide valuable behavioural insights, which enables us to augment and empower performance.
Show moreIndustry: Software Development
Company Specialties: ['Profile risk presented by Universal Credit', 'Segment customer data for social landlords', 'Prescribe action and predict outcomes;', 'Measuring what works best;', 'Helping social landlords stay relevant to their tenants;', 'Keeping track of performance;', 'Understanding tenants preferences;', 'Communicating information with speed;', 'Targeting specific geographies or groups of tenants;', 'Promoting specific services', 'events or news;', 'Engaging employees.']
Company Type: Privately Held
Headquarters: {'country': 'GB', 'fullAddress': '22 Exchange Quay, Salford, England, M5 3, GB', 'locality': 'Salford', 'postalCode': 'M5 3', 'region': 'England', 'street': '22 Exchange Quay'}
Founded: 1998
Email: [email protected]